Pabrik Slikon Implan Payudara di Prancis [full pic]

Photographer Benoit Tessier visited the French company Sebbin laboratories that manufacture silicone gel breast implants. The company uses the method of digital simulation of sizes and shapes and the structure of "ideal breasts."
1How the Implants Are Manufactured
2How the Implants Are Manufactured
3How the Implants Are Manufactured
4How the Implants Are Manufactured
5How the Implants Are Manufactured
6How the Implants Are Manufactured
7How the Implants Are Manufactured
8How the Implants Are Manufactured
9How the Implants Are Manufactured

Posted by Warta Digital on 1/18/2012 09:36:00 AM. Filed under , . Kamu bisa ikuti semua artikel melalui :

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